Quantifying Interpersonal Synchrony
James Trujillo ( j.p.trujillo@uva.nl )
Updated: 26-06-2024
This module gives an introduction to quantifying interpersonal synchrony of bodily movement using time-lagged windowed cross correlation. Additionally, we will cover extracting and preprocessing motion tracking data collected with Microsoft Kinect Azure.
Module citation:¶
Trujillo, J.P. (2024). Quantifying Interpersonal Synchrony (version 2.0.0). [Computer Software]. https://envisionbox.org/interpersonal_synchrony.html
Location Repository:
Dataset used in this module is provided by : Khebour, I., Brutti, R., Dey,I., Dickler, R., Sikes, K., Lai, K., Bradford, M., Cates, B., Hansen, P., Jung, C., Wisniewski, B., Terpstra, C., Hirshfield, L., Puntambekar, S., Blanchard, N., Pustejovsky, J., & Krishnaswamy, N. (2024). When Text and Speech are Not Enough: A Multimodal Dataset of Collaboration in a Situated Task. Journal of Open Humanities Data, 10:7, pp. 1–7. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/johd.168
To run this module, you will need to download the data from the Weights Task, by Khebour et al., 2023 (https://zenodo.org/records/10252341) (note that the complete dataset is quite large (28GB)), make a folder called "data" in the same directory as this notebook, and copy the folder "Group_01" into the "data" folder.
Whether engaged in conversation, walking together, or simply sitting together, people tend to synchronize or entrain their bodily movements. The extent of synchrony has been linked to many outcome measures, such as how many people liked a conversation, how successful a therapy session is, how in-tune to one another the people felt, etc.
Quantifying interpersonal synchrony can therefore provide an informative measure of social behavior at the dyad-level. This dyad-level focus is particularly important given that social behaviors are embedded in the larger context of people acting as part of a coupled, dynamical system. This module will therefore provide some basic approaches to quantifying, and statistically testing, interpersonal synchrony of bodily movement
This module builds on other EnvisionBOX modules by specifically demonstrating how to utilize (video-based) motion tracking data to calculate synchrony for the whole body, or for specific body parts (e.g., for the torso, head, or hands specifically).
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import re
import os
import math
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# for simplicity, we'll just analyze one pair of participants in this module, so we can assign this directly.
# If we wanted to analyze all pairs, we would need to write a loop to load in each of our dyads.
k_path = './data/'
dyad = 'Group_01'
We first need to load the json files and convert them to dataframes for easier working. Json files are hierarchical, nested files, which can be tricky to work with for our purposes. To illustrate, we'll print one frame of the first json file. Notice how there is a lot of useful information there, including the ID of each person detected, as well as joint orientation and position data, frame ID, and timestamps. However, it's difficult to see which values correspond to which joint/keyframe on the body, and we have to do a lot of specific indexing to get any particular value out.
k_data_1 = dyad + '-sub1-skeleton.json'
k_data_2 = dyad + '-sub2-skeleton.json'
k_data_m = dyad + '-master-skeleton.json'
with open(os.path.join(k_path, dyad, k_data_m), 'r') as f:
datastore_m = json.load(f)
#with open(os.path.join(k_path, dyad, k_data_1), 'r') as f:
# datastore_1 = json.load(f)
#with open(os.path.join(k_path, dyad, k_data_2), 'r') as f:
# datastore_2 = json.load(f)
{'bodies': [{'body_id': 1, 'joint_orientations': [[0.5497705340385437, -0.48577696084976196, 0.5341244339942932, -0.4201001822948456], [0.5453991293907166, -0.4912715256214142, 0.5290750861167908, -0.4257600009441376], [0.6359391212463379, -0.36168384552001953, 0.6199928522109985, -0.2835049331188202], [0.6566261649131775, -0.3107997477054596, 0.6470006704330444, -0.2315938025712967], [0.8982008695602417, -0.4037829041481018, -0.06570173054933548, 0.1608656346797943], [0.6991719603538513, -0.23059000074863434, -0.2585981786251068, 0.625390887260437], [0.3826797902584076, -0.3161141276359558, -0.1418331116437912, 0.8564527630805969], [0.029028454795479774, 0.5993040800094604, 0.714409589767456, -0.3600151538848877], [-0.0944628044962883, 0.32231709361076355, 0.8750189542770386, -0.348611980676651], [-0.0944628044962883, 0.32231709361076355, 0.8750189542770386, -0.348611980676651], [0.3720167875289917, -0.19425439834594727, -0.3456628620624542, 0.8392769694328308], [0.4116641879081726, 0.9097280502319336, -0.04385007917881012, -0.031695298850536346], [0.24113522469997406, 0.75782310962677, -0.553585946559906, -0.24718508124351501], [-0.32224205136299133, -0.4579680263996124, 0.8191572427749634, 0.12412378937005997], [0.6584476828575134, 0.010066618211567402, -0.35448914766311646, -0.6638393402099609], [-0.3939792215824127, -0.1298128217458725, 0.3300189673900604, 0.8479483723640442], [-0.3939792215824127, -0.1298128217458725, 0.3300189673900604, 0.8479483723640442], [-0.40674927830696106, -0.30921095609664917, 0.8195027112960815, 0.25953593850135803], [-0.3146200180053711, 0.6194660067558289, -0.23956900835037231, 0.6781465411186218], [0.6739186644554138, -0.32600218057632446, 0.5787032246589661, -0.32350999116897583], [0.6846209168434143, -0.30307137966156006, 0.5997970104217529, -0.28228622674942017], [0.6882287263870239, 0.2093479484319687, 0.6352344155311584, 0.28105494379997253], [0.56979900598526, 0.25495317578315735, 0.7241913080215454, 0.29304420948028564], [0.24044910073280334, 0.6658509969711304, 0.38211944699287415, 0.5939792394638062], [0.193468376994133, 0.6931565403938293, 0.3644022047519684, 0.5910287499427795], [-0.28023743629455566, 0.7519808411598206, -0.22775645554065704, 0.5514696836471558], [0.6128526926040649, -0.4192661941051483, 0.6137418746948242, -0.26823189854621887], [0.6128526926040649, -0.4192661941051483, 0.6137418746948242, -0.26823189854621887], [0.6230208873748779, 0.13751506805419922, 0.730446994304657, 0.24368368089199066], [0.26823189854621887, 0.6137418746948242, 0.4192661643028259, 0.6128526926040649], [0.6230208873748779, 0.13751506805419922, 0.730446994304657, 0.24368368089199066], [0.6128526926040649, -0.4192661941051483, 0.6137418746948242, -0.26823189854621887]], 'joint_positions': [[168.1407012939453, -97.80023193359375, 1849.10888671875], [181.1897735595703, -263.8223571777344, 1821.3194580078125], [191.6664581298828, -396.67523193359375, 1799.8929443359375], [206.22288513183594, -563.4193725585938, 1680.7349853515625], [235.6161651611328, -533.207275390625, 1700.097900390625], [362.7315673828125, -486.9346618652344, 1698.4903564453125], [384.7062072753906, -227.0428466796875, 1717.6314697265625], [273.365234375, -63.481689453125, 1622.60693359375], [252.70372009277344, 10.1627779006958, 1573.0697021484375], [173.51681518554688, 74.57855224609375, 1566.9940185546875], [170.54391479492188, 17.26003074645996, 1581.689453125], [172.29705810546875, -539.657958984375, 1702.363525390625], [48.5688591003418, -526.4805908203125, 1705.0474853515625], [-22.0144100189209, -271.13726806640625, 1733.7373046875], [60.86102294921875, -86.58416748046875, 1641.6611328125], [70.47518157958984, -3.5137832164764404, 1590.3353271484375], [136.3978729248047, 72.25634765625, 1586.32568359375], [150.67416381835938, -19.334074020385742, 1561.69873046875], [254.03866577148438, -90.43439483642578, 1845.4383544921875], [267.129150390625, 183.68312072753906, 1584.2384033203125], [223.35865783691406, 478.17987060546875, 1790.2843017578125], [213.76626586914062, 651.3267822265625, 1753.4019775390625], [90.6827163696289, -104.44233703613281, 1852.4188232421875], [7.174350261688232, 161.69583129882812, 1596.6353759765625], [8.032929420471191, 452.3961181640625, 1818.8162841796875], [-25.13368034362793, 610.1138916015625, 1793.6717529296875], [210.5140380859375, -618.0216674804688, 1626.1790771484375], [184.03970336914062, -587.377685546875, 1479.599853515625], [217.11099243164062, -627.3414306640625, 1490.324462890625], [290.5926208496094, -655.15771484375, 1580.9892578125], [168.01451110839844, -630.8812255859375, 1495.3466796875], [137.71307373046875, -682.7472534179688, 1603.818603515625]]}, {'body_id': 2, 'joint_orientations': [[0.5249915719032288, -0.3955659866333008, 0.44295045733451843, -0.6096771955490112], [0.5040315985679626, -0.41034793853759766, 0.42929258942604065, -0.6271160840988159], [0.6695991158485413, -0.2627497613430023, 0.5156009793281555, -0.46556976437568665], [0.7047781348228455, -0.22055576741695404, 0.5350111126899719, -0.41037294268608093], [0.844508945941925, -0.5078527331352234, -0.16464991867542267, 0.04219645634293556], [0.656700074672699, -0.4096932113170624, -0.36425095796585083, 0.5178974270820618], [0.42447713017463684, -0.5138203501701355, -0.19109134376049042, 0.7206190824508667], [0.15351228415966034, 0.7334721684455872, 0.625392496585846, -0.21757015585899353], [0.07086683064699173, 0.4786874055862427, 0.8366335034370422, -0.25667232275009155], [0.07086683064699173, 0.4786874055862427, 0.8366335034370422, -0.25667232275009155], [0.3666425049304962, -0.41227611899375916, -0.39846381545066833, 0.7326856255531311], [0.4398513436317444, 0.8323997855186462, -0.32130372524261475, 0.10200585424900055], [-0.12030467391014099, -0.6385351419448853, 0.7544505596160889, 0.09275809675455093], [-0.14625656604766846, -0.31023555994033813, 0.9384437203407288, 0.04106440767645836], [-0.4495652914047241, -0.0506427176296711, 0.5094049572944641, 0.7320061326026917], [-0.1743604838848114, -0.2205708622932434, 0.461959570646286, 0.841154158115387], [-0.1743604838848114, -0.2205708622932434, 0.461959570646286, 0.841154158115387], [-0.19703586399555206, -0.19009852409362793, 0.9372267723083496, 0.2159753143787384], [-0.2565061151981354, 0.43936601281166077, -0.2182789295911789, 0.8327763080596924], [0.6954922676086426, -0.22846470773220062, 0.434201717376709, -0.5249411463737488], [0.701077401638031, -0.2439650148153305, 0.4850214421749115, -0.4623047709465027], [0.8260819911956787, 0.169734925031662, 0.5113674402236938, 0.16517242789268494], [0.7004740238189697, 0.2785477340221405, 0.6163240075111389, 0.22779794037342072], [0.4366225302219391, 0.5854664444923401, 0.3385039269924164, 0.5933000445365906], [0.40272486209869385, 0.6055201292037964, 0.31366240978240967, 0.6105520725250244], [-0.14526623487472534, 0.6549829840660095, -0.20284834504127502, 0.7132654786109924], [0.6087746620178223, -0.45312777161598206, 0.5801016688346863, -0.29588958621025085], [0.6087746620178223, -0.45312777161598206, 0.5801016688346863, -0.29588958621025085], [0.6396942138671875, 0.08978407084941864, 0.7306035757064819, 0.22124317288398743], [0.29588958621025085, 0.5801016688346863, 0.45312777161598206, 0.6087746620178223], [0.6396942138671875, 0.08978407084941864, 0.7306035757064819, 0.22124317288398743], [0.6087746620178223, -0.45312777161598206, 0.5801016688346863, -0.29588958621025085]], 'joint_positions': [[-489.156494140625, -31.48678970336914, 1697.856689453125], [-512.5224609375, -196.55142211914062, 1703.088134765625], [-533.2099609375, -327.8250427246094, 1714.0169677734375], [-526.45654296875, -509.7466735839844, 1624.2572021484375], [-498.44403076171875, -484.3938903808594, 1650.1878662109375], [-372.5193176269531, -452.5182800292969, 1681.626708984375], [-321.311767578125, -199.67564392089844, 1695.5904541015625], [-345.5143127441406, -24.43854522705078, 1570.190673828125], [-327.9259033203125, 48.50505065917969, 1520.4482421875], [-381.6357116699219, 125.74461364746094, 1483.645263671875], [-401.5773010253906, 71.51114654541016, 1492.9600830078125], [-557.2965087890625, -475.8274841308594, 1629.6595458984375], [-652.3018798828125, -421.09375, 1574.0281982421875], [-611.3416748046875, -161.58917236328125, 1557.4259033203125], [-443.4205322265625, -31.093210220336914, 1502.7435302734375], [-387.7198486328125, 34.47664260864258, 1458.09228515625], [-304.12274169921875, 83.838623046875, 1478.94189453125], [-314.50836181640625, -9.288158416748047, 1464.8994140625], [-408.39190673828125, -42.12348175048828, 1722.97412109375], [-227.8699951171875, 189.56524658203125, 1490.995361328125], [-253.5562744140625, 521.7119750976562, 1621.2335205078125], [-206.77500915527344, 678.5967407226562, 1558.990478515625], [-561.9854736328125, -21.89521598815918, 1675.2071533203125], [-510.9499206542969, 225.78936767578125, 1399.8380126953125], [-486.79742431640625, 556.325439453125, 1544.1007080078125], [-467.2947998046875, 702.1954345703125, 1478.4632568359375], [-519.5287475585938, -571.9453125, 1580.4892578125], [-540.402099609375, -556.676025390625, 1432.503173828125], [-506.9823913574219, -593.7659301757812, 1448.1795654296875], [-437.45977783203125, -609.90869140625, 1542.7994384765625], [-555.5174560546875, -598.49609375, 1451.53564453125], [-588.3775024414062, -640.2354736328125, 1561.9095458984375]]}], 'frame_id': 0, 'num_bodies': 2, 'timestamp_usec': 300222}
def extract_motion_data(datastore, body_id_t = 1):
data_dict = {}
num_bodies = []
# First, we need to get all of the joint names and store them as a list
joint_names = []
for key in datastore["joint_names"]:
# Initialize key names for each of the joints, that way we can just append the tracked values
# as we loop through the frames
for name in joint_names:
data_dict[name] = []
data_dict["frame"] = []
data_dict["timestamp"] = []
data_dict["body_id"] = []
last_frame = datastore["frames"][-1]["frame_id"]
available_frames = list(set([datastore["frames"][frame]["frame_id"] for frame in range(len(datastore["frames"]))]))
datastore_frame = 0
# now, we'll go through and collect the actual coordinate data at each frame
for frame in range(last_frame):
if frame in available_frames:
for body in datastore["frames"][datastore_frame]["bodies"]:
if body["body_id"] ==body_id_t:
for joint_id in range(len(body["joint_positions"])):
datastore_frame +=1
for joint_id in joint_names:
data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict)
return data_df, num_bodies
data_df, num_bodies = extract_motion_data(datastore_m)
While this code will do well enough if you have just one person being tracked by the Kinect, it will run into problems with multiple people being tracked simultaneously. While we could use the body_id value to separate them, this often won't work because the Kinect may not track every person in every frame. When someone is "lost" for a frame, and then tracked again, the body_id's won't necessarily correspond to the same people. To illustrate the inconsistent tracking, let's look at the number of tracked bodies across all frames of the video. Remember that there are, in fact, 3 people in every frame.
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x180095bd2e0>]
Therefore, we need to set up some functions to help track individual skeletons based on similarity to previously tracked skeletons. We'll set these up below, and then also define a new function to use these matching functions and return a separate dataframe for each tracked skeleton
def match_skeleton(prev1, prev2, prev3, current):
# This function serves as a quick check for whether some coordinates match with a previously identified skeleton
# The function takes 3 arguments: a previous coordinate for each of three possible skeletons, and the new
# coordinate. As you'll see below, we'll use the x-coordinate of the Neck, since this will give a person's
# horizontal position in the frame. The "prevx" arguments are the last identified x-coordinates of other
# skeletons
# The function here is simple: it just checks whether the new coordinate is very close (defined by threshold)
# to a previously identified skeleton. If so, we output that ID. If not, we move to the next skeleton. If the new
# coordinate is not close to a previous one, and the next skeleton slot is "empty" (==0), we assign this as a new
# skeleton
threshold = 50
# check this first. We assign to the first skeleton, if this is the first frame
match_1 = np.abs(current - prev1)
match_2 = np.abs(current - prev2)
match_3 = np.abs(current - prev3)
if prev1 == 0 or match_1 < threshold:
match_num = 1
elif prev2 == 0 or match_2 < threshold:
match_num = 2
elif prev3 == 0 or match_3 < threshold:
match_num = 3
#print("NO MATCH!")
match_num = 0
return match_num
def update_skeleton(data_dict, datastore, body, joint_names, datastore_frame):
# This is a helper function that updates our data dictionary, providing the joint data, frame, timestamp. and
# body ID. This is helpful as its own function so we don't need to write all of this out for the specific
# dictionary that we are trying to update
for joint_id in range(len(body["joint_positions"])):
return data_dict
def update_skeleton_empty(data_dict, frame, joint_names):
# in cases where a particular ID was not tracked in a particular video frame, we provide blank data.
# this is just to make sure we have something at each frame of the video. We can use these empty spaces
# to interpolate the missing data later.
for joint_id in joint_names:
return data_dict
def extract_multiperson_motion_data(datastore):
data_dict_1 = {}
data_dict_2 = {}
data_dict_3 = {}
# First, we need to get all of the joint names and store them as a list
joint_names = []
for key in datastore["joint_names"]:
# Initialize key names for each of the joints, that way we can just append the tracked values
# as we loop through the frames
for name in joint_names:
data_dict_1[name] = []
data_dict_2[name] = []
data_dict_3[name] = []
data_dict_1["frame"] = []
data_dict_1["timestamp"] = []
data_dict_1["body_id"] = []
data_dict_2["frame"] = []
data_dict_2["timestamp"] = []
data_dict_2["body_id"] = []
data_dict_3["frame"] = []
data_dict_3["timestamp"] = []
data_dict_3["body_id"] = []
last_frame = datastore["frames"][-1]["frame_id"]
available_frames = list(set([datastore["frames"][frame]["frame_id"] for frame in range(len(datastore["frames"]))]))
datastore_frame = 0
#frame = 0
prev1 = 0
prev2 = 0
prev3 = 0
for frame in range(last_frame):
if frame in available_frames:
# we also need to track which skeleton gets updated,
# so we can add empty frames to the ones who are not
updated1 = False
updated2 = False
updated3 = False
for body in datastore["frames"][datastore_frame]["bodies"]:
match_num = match_skeleton(prev1, prev2, prev3, body["joint_positions"][3][0])
if match_num == 1 and not updated1:
data_dict_1 = update_skeleton(data_dict_1, datastore, body, joint_names, datastore_frame)
prev1 = body["joint_positions"][3][0]
updated1 = True
elif match_num == 2 and not updated2:
data_dict_2 = update_skeleton(data_dict_2, datastore, body, joint_names, datastore_frame)
prev2 = body["joint_positions"][3][0]
updated2 = True
elif match_num == 3 and not updated3:
data_dict_3 = update_skeleton(data_dict_3, datastore, body, joint_names, datastore_frame)
prev3 = body["joint_positions"][3][0]
updated3 = True
if not updated1:
data_dict_1 = update_skeleton_empty(data_dict_1,frame, joint_names)
if not updated2:
data_dict_2 = update_skeleton_empty(data_dict_2,frame, joint_names)
if not updated3:
data_dict_3 = update_skeleton_empty(data_dict_3,frame, joint_names)
datastore_frame +=1
data_dict_1 = update_skeleton_empty(data_dict_1,frame, joint_names)
data_dict_2 = update_skeleton_empty(data_dict_2,frame, joint_names)
data_dict_3 = update_skeleton_empty(data_dict_3,frame, joint_names)
#data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict)
data_df_1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict_1)
data_df_2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict_2)
data_df_3 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict_3)
return data_df_1, data_df_2, data_df_3
data_df_1, data_df_2, data_df_3 = extract_multiperson_motion_data(datastore_m)
Now, we need to turn these coordinate data into time-series. So we'll define a function that calculates displacement and its first derivative (velocity). We'll use the vector of velocity values, for each bodily articulator of interest, to calculate synchrony with the same articulator on the other person's body.
def calculate_distance(articulator):
This just calculates the displacement between each set of points, then the
velocity from the displacement.
FPS = 25
IDX = 0
dist = []
spd = []
for coords in articulator[1:]:
Prev_coords = articulator[IDX]
# first calculate displacement
DISPLACE = math.hypot(float(coords[0]) - float(Prev_coords[0]), float(coords[1]) - float(Prev_coords[1]))
# then calculate speed
spd.append(DISPLACE * FPS)
return (dist, spd)
Before we can create a time-series, we will need to clean and filter the data a bit. First, to account for dropped frames, we'll interpolate in the missing values. Then, we'll perform some smoothing. Before running the whole function for smoothing and creating a time-series, let's just take a look at what the different steps do to the data. You may also want to adjust the smoothing function based on this.
First, we'll look at the raw data:
0 | [168.1407012939453, -97.80023193359375, 1849.1... | [181.1897735595703, -263.8223571777344, 1821.3... | [191.6664581298828, -396.67523193359375, 1799.... | [206.22288513183594, -563.4193725585938, 1680.... | [235.6161651611328, -533.207275390625, 1700.09... | [362.7315673828125, -486.9346618652344, 1698.4... | [384.7062072753906, -227.0428466796875, 1717.6... | [273.365234375, -63.481689453125, 1622.6069335... | [252.70372009277344, 10.1627779006958, 1573.06... | [173.51681518554688, 74.57855224609375, 1566.9... | ... | [-25.13368034362793, 610.1138916015625, 1793.6... | [210.5140380859375, -618.0216674804688, 1626.1... | [184.03970336914062, -587.377685546875, 1479.5... | [217.11099243164062, -627.3414306640625, 1490.... | [290.5926208496094, -655.15771484375, 1580.989... | [168.01451110839844, -630.8812255859375, 1495.... | [137.71307373046875, -682.7472534179688, 1603.... | 0 | 300222 | 1 |
1 | [169.96609497070312, -95.73568725585938, 1855.... | [183.22535705566406, -262.66455078125, 1825.70... | [193.82467651367188, -396.1138916015625, 1802.... | [207.5433349609375, -562.8726196289062, 1680.4... | [237.31532287597656, -532.8348999023438, 1700.... | [365.9932861328125, -488.1191711425781, 1698.4... | [396.3544006347656, -227.68429565429688, 1723.... | [284.44696044921875, -63.10097885131836, 1626.... | [253.90655517578125, 7.174409866333008, 1576.4... | [175.41232299804688, 73.20365142822266, 1567.3... | ... | [-24.734954833984375, 611.2965087890625, 1796.... | [211.56983947753906, -617.315185546875, 1624.9... | [180.81851196289062, -586.5719604492188, 1478.... | [215.75868225097656, -625.654296875, 1487.9427... | [292.5594482421875, -651.5172729492188, 1577.5... | [166.5893096923828, -631.02685546875, 1493.971... | [140.19908142089844, -684.9619140625, 1603.453... | 1 | 333511 | 1 |
2 | [170.2037811279297, -96.96221160888672, 1857.9... | [183.73374938964844, -262.9219665527344, 1827.... | [194.63929748535156, -395.8285827636719, 1803.... | [207.31484985351562, -561.232666015625, 1681.5... | [237.1260528564453, -531.4354248046875, 1701.2... | [366.1314697265625, -489.502685546875, 1698.29... | [395.49664306640625, -230.02255249023438, 1722... | [282.000732421875, -65.90885162353516, 1629.85... | [254.8220977783203, 5.269825458526611, 1579.38... | [177.4086456298828, 71.51172637939453, 1567.65... | ... | [-22.86143684387207, 607.8727416992188, 1801.3... | [210.88124084472656, -615.1454467773438, 1625.... | [180.75628662109375, -582.4404296875, 1480.093... | [215.42784118652344, -621.5828857421875, 1489.... | [291.5913391113281, -648.7600708007812, 1578.5... | [166.42877197265625, -626.8914184570312, 1495.... | [139.6960906982422, -682.0348510742188, 1603.4... | 2 | 366888 | 1 |
3 | [171.6676483154297, -99.46422576904297, 1859.6... | [184.6793975830078, -265.0267639160156, 1828.9... | [195.21768188476562, -397.744140625, 1806.5034... | [207.53036499023438, -561.4371948242188, 1682.... | [237.31927490234375, -531.9646606445312, 1702.... | [365.8270263671875, -489.69964599609375, 1699.... | [395.92230224609375, -231.0301055908203, 1724.... | [280.9895935058594, -68.89738464355469, 1630.8... | [255.21713256835938, 3.226973056793213, 1581.4... | [179.19952392578125, 70.38742065429688, 1568.2... | ... | [-20.060626983642578, 603.8760986328125, 1805.... | [210.96495056152344, -614.626708984375, 1626.8... | [180.78900146484375, -579.8770751953125, 1481.... | [215.41766357421875, -619.0119018554688, 1490.... | [291.4664611816406, -647.3533325195312, 1579.0... | [166.55865478515625, -624.4464111328125, 1496.... | [140.02854919433594, -681.0753784179688, 1603.... | 3 | 400222 | 1 |
4 | [176.2834014892578, -100.657470703125, 1861.28... | [187.59332275390625, -266.1571960449219, 1831.... | [196.7790985107422, -398.79620361328125, 1809.... | [207.2209014892578, -561.625, 1685.65576171875] | [237.2540283203125, -532.4298095703125, 1705.3... | [365.5262451171875, -490.4290466308594, 1701.4... | [396.5975341796875, -232.3815460205078, 1725.5... | [281.13592529296875, -71.19805908203125, 1632.... | [255.63064575195312, 1.2084990739822388, 1583.... | [180.91566467285156, 69.16173553466797, 1568.8... | ... | [-13.162155151367188, 598.67138671875, 1808.69... | [209.90016174316406, -614.459716796875, 1629.4... | [182.7742156982422, -575.677490234375, 1485.27... | [215.53775024414062, -616.3395385742188, 1493.... | [289.2423095703125, -649.5849609375, 1581.8665... | [166.54115295410156, -619.77685546875, 1498.68... | [136.5904541015625, -677.1932983398438, 1604.1... | 4 | 433555 | 1 |
5 rows × 35 columns
Let's plot the x-position of the head over a 4-second window, to see how this looks without any smoothing. Note that position (y-axis) is given in millimeters. In the Kinect Azure coordinate system, central point in the camera's field of view is given as [0,0,0]. On the x-axis, positive values are to the right of the center. On the y-axis, positive values are below the center (note that this means that more negative values are higher in the image, and more positive values are lower).
articulator = data_df_1["HEAD"]
x = pd.Series([coords[0] if len(coords)>1 else np.nan for coords in articulator ])
plt.title("Raw x-coordinate time-series")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Raw x-coordinate time-series')
Now, let's fill in the small gaps (if there are any dropped frames) and smooth the data. Here, I'm using the Savitsky-Golay filter, although there are many alternative options. Savitsky-Golay is effectively finding a polynomial trend within a sliding window of the data. This allows you to keep the overal trend of the data while removing noise. The two parameters that we provide are the window size (how many frames), and the polynomial order. You can read more about this filter here: https://www.datatechnotes.com/2022/05/smoothing-example-with-savitzky-golay.html
Try changing the two parameters and see what it does to the resulting data!
x_s = signal.savgol_filter(x,13,7)
plt.title("Smoothed x-coordinate time-series")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Smoothed x-coordinate time-series')
def get_timeseries(articulator):
# split into x, y, z and interpolate
x_i = pd.Series([coords[0] if len(coords)>1 else np.nan for coords in articulator]).interpolate()
y_i = pd.Series([coords[1] if len(coords)>1 else np.nan for coords in articulator]).interpolate()
z_i = pd.Series([coords[2] if len(coords)>1 else np.nan for coords in articulator]).interpolate()
# smooth the data
x_s = signal.savgol_filter(x_i,15,7)
y_s = signal.savgol_filter(y_i,15,7)
z_s = signal.savgol_filter(z_i,15,7)
# now put it all back together to go into the distance function
smooth_ts = []
for i in range(len(x_i)):
smooth_set = [x_s[i], y_s[i], z_s[i]]
dist_ts, spd_ts = calculate_distance(smooth_ts)
return pd.Series(dist_ts), pd.Series(spd_ts)
To get a sense of the similarity between time-series, we can plot the movement profiles of the first two participants together. For simplicity, we'll just take a random 100-frame slice (4 seconds) near the beginning of the data.
Notice how you can already spot some moments when both are moving a similar amount at the same time, or perhaps slightly lagged in time. At other moments, they are quite different. This synchrony, whether time-lagged or perfectly in sync, is what we will quantify in the next step.
dist_head_1, spd_head_1 = get_timeseries(data_df_1["HEAD"])
dist_head_2, spd_head_2 = get_timeseries(data_df_2["HEAD"])
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x180bed32a20>]